Troubleshooting Stata

1. If Stata does not start

You tried to start Stata and it refused; Stata or your operating system presented a message explaining that something is wrong. Here are the possibilities:

Cannot find license file

This message means just what it says; nothing is too seriously wrong. Stata simply could not find the license file it was looking for. The most common reason for this is that you did not complete the installation process.

Did you enter the codes on your license to unlock Stata? If not, go back and complete the initialization procedure.

Error opening or reading the file

Something is distinctly wrong for purely technical reasons. Stata found the file that it was looking for, but there was an I/O error.

About the only way this situation could arise would be a hard-disk error. Stata technical support will be able to help you diagnose the problem; see [U] 3.8 Technical support.

License not applicable

Stata has determined that you have a valid Stata license, but the license does not apply to the version of Stata that you are trying to run.

The most common reason for this message is that you have a license for Stata/BE but you are trying to run Stata/SE or Stata/MP, or you have a license for Stata/SE but you are trying to run Stata/MP. If any of these is the case, insert the installation DVD, run the installer again, choose Modify, click on the Next button, and choose the appropriate edition.

Other messages

The other messages indicate that Stata thinks you are attempting to do something that you are not licensed to do. Most commonly, you are attempting to run Stata over a network when you do not have a network license, but there are many other alternatives. There are two possibilities: either you really are attempting to do something that you are not licensed to do or Stata is wrong. In either case, you are going to have to contact us. Your license can be upgraded, or if Stata is wrong, we can provide codes to make Stata stop thinking that you are violating the license; see [U] 3.8 Technical support.

2. Troubleshooting tips

If you experience an unexpected problem, first make sure that you are running the most current version of Stata (see [GSW] 19 Updating and extending Stata—Internet functionality for information on updating). If the problem still exists, look at the frequently asked questions (FAQs) for Windows in the user-support section of the Stata website, You may find the answer to the problem there. If not, we can help, but you must give us as much information as possible.

Reboot your computer, restart Stata, and try to reproduce the problem, writing down everything you do before the fault occurs. We will want that information.

If Stata used to work on your computer but suddenly stopped working, try to remember any hardware or software that you have recently installed.

Also give us as much information about your computer as possible. What version of Windows are you running? How much memory do you have? What processor do you have? What brand is your computer? Finally, we need your Stata serial number and the revision date of your version of Stata. Include them if you email, and know them if you call. You can obtain them by typing the about command in Stata’s Command window. about lets you know everything about your copy of Stata, including the version and the date it was produced.

Source: STATA (2021), Getting Started with Stata for Windows, Stata Press Publication.

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