With the aid of magnetic card readers, bar code scanners, and point-of-sale terminals, most organizations obtain large amounts of data on a daily basis. And, even for a small local restaurant that uses touch screen monitors to enter orders and handle billing, the amount of data collected can be substantial. For large retail companies, the sheer volume of data collected is hard to conceptualize, and figuring out how to effectively use these data to improve profitability is a challenge. Mass retailers such as Walmart and Amazon capture data on 20 to 30 million transactions every day, telecommunication companies such as Orange S.A. and AT&T generate over 300 million call records per day, and Visa processes 6800 payment transactions per second or approximately 600 million transactions per day.
In addition to the sheer volume and speed with which companies now collect data, more complicated types of data are now available and are proving to be of great value to businesses. Text data are collected by monitoring what is being said about a company’s products or services on social media such as Twitter. Audio data are collected from service calls (on a service call, you will often hear “this call may be monitored for quality control”). Video data are collected by in-store video cameras to analyze shopping behavior. Analyzing information generated by these nontraditional sources is more complicated because of the complex process of transforming the information into data that can be analyzed.
Larger and more complex data sets are now often referred to as big data. Although there does not seem to be a universally accepted definition of big data, many think if it as a set of data that cannot be managed, processed, or analyzed with commonly available software in a reasonable amount of time. Many data analysts define big data by referring to the three v’s of data: volume, velocity, and variety. Volume refers to the amount of available data (the typical unit of measure for is now a terabyte, which is 1012 bytes); velocity refers to the speed at which data is collected and processed; and variety refers to the different data types.
The term data warehousing is used to refer to the process of capturing, storing, and maintaining the data. Computing power and data collection tools have reached the point where it is now feasible to store and retrieve extremely large quantities of data in seconds. Analysis of the data in the warehouse may result in decisions that will lead to new strategies and higher profits for the organization. For example, General Electric (GE) captures a large amount of data from sensors on its aircraft engines each time a plane takes off or lands. Capturing these data allows GE to offer an important service to its customers; GE monitors the engine performance and can alert its customer when service is needed or a problem is likely to occur.
The subject of data mining deals with methods for developing useful decision-making information from large databases. Using a combination of procedures from statistics, mathematics, and computer science, analysts “mine the data” in the warehouse to convert it into useful information, hence the name data mining. Dr. Kurt Thearling, a leading practitioner in the field, defines data mining as “the automated extraction of predictive information from (large) databases.” The two key words in Dr. Thearling’s definition are “automated” and “predictive.” Data mining systems that are the most effective use automated procedures to extract information from the data using only the most general or even vague queries by the user. And data mining software automates the process of uncovering hidden predictive information that in the past required hands-on analysis.
The major applications of data mining have been made by companies with a strong consumer focus, such as retail businesses, financial organizations, and communication companies. Data mining has been successfully used to help retailers such as Amazon determine one or more related products that customers who have already purchased a specific product are also likely to purchase. Then, when a customer logs on to the company’s website and purchases a product, the website uses pop-ups to alert the customer about additional products that the customer is likely to purchase. In another application, data mining may be used to identify customers who are likely to spend more than $20 on a particular shopping trip. These customers may then be identified as the ones to receive special email or regular mail discount offers to encourage them to make their next shopping trip before the discount termination date.
Data mining is a technology that relies heavily on statistical methodology such as multiple regression, logistic regression, and correlation. But it takes a creative integration of all these methods and computer science technologies involving artificial intelligence and machine learning to make data mining effective. A substantial investment in time and money is required to implement commercial data mining software packages developed by firms such as Oracle, Teradata, and SAS. The statistical concepts introduced in this text will be helpful in understanding the statistical methodology used by data mining software packages and enable you to better understand the statistical information that is developed.
Because statistical models play an important role in developing predictive models in data mining, many of the concerns that statisticians deal with in developing statistical models are also applicable. For instance, a concern in any statistical study involves the issue of model reliability. Finding a statistical model that works well for a particular sample of data does not necessarily mean that it can be reliably applied to other data. One of the common statistical approaches to evaluating model reliability is to divide the sample data set into two parts: a training data set and a test data set. If the model developed using the training data is able to accurately predict values in the test data, we say that the model is reliable. One advantage that data mining has over classical statistics is that the enormous amount of data available allows the data mining software to partition the data set so that a model developed for the training data set may be tested for reliability on other data. In this sense, the partitioning of the data set allows data mining to develop models and relationships and then quickly observe if they are repeatable and valid with new and different data. On the other hand, a warning for data mining applications is that with so much data available, there is a danger of overfitting the model to the point that misleading associations and cause/effect conclusions appear to exist. Careful interpretation of data mining results and additional testing will help avoid this pitfall.
Source: Anderson David R., Sweeney Dennis J., Williams Thomas A. (2019), Statistics for Business & Economics, Cengage Learning; 14th edition.
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